You have it, I have it, we all have it. Being able to communicate one on one is instilled in us during birth. Babies instinctively cry to their parents, signaling communication, I need something. Yet as we grow older, our ability to communicate worsens, odd. The vast majority of people live on their phone; Wondering how many likes I'm getting, who commented what, where my next picture should be taken. It's garbage. Social Skills aka people skills AKA basic human interactions are at all time lows. We need to Improve how we interact with people.
Why you’ll find opportunities for having this basic peoples skill
Let me tell you a story about a fitness trainer I used to work with. Jim’s an all around good guy. He's professional and knowledgeable about hypertrophy and what exercises and diet you ought to be on. The caveat? It was impossible to have a conversation with the dude. I’ve had better conversations with an echoing cave. The overwhelming deficit of people skills kept clients from coming back.The solution was as simple as NOT having your hands in your pocket while speaking, and low energy. His trainees on the contrary were completely opposite. Excited, motivated, and willing to embrace the hardship. Each session ended in time lapse. Smiles that were once, were no more. When week one was done, a recurring theme showed, and I'd never see them again. Except for on social media, at a high intensity gym. Big whoop.
Stand Out And Have Opportunities Handed To You
It's very easy to stand out. I had this story told to me about a worker in mortgages. One day, when it was not busy I decided to chime in on Zeb. I'm listening to Zeb while he is talking to a woman, asking her questions to get to know her and about the situation she’s in. The woman said her husband recently died in a fiery train crash and was left with 200,000 and she also mentioned 3 kids and they miss their father dearly, then trails off. I’m thinking to myself “wow this must be really tough on you,” expecting Zeb to do the same and tell her that he acknowledges her pain. I kid you not the guy says “okay, have you visited a mortgage person before?” Utterly confused, I nudged him, like saying something that acknowledges her tragic story. Not the next question in your script. This is also the reason why I love companies with amazing representatives. Just yesterday I dealt with my car insurance. Nobody likes to actually deal with insurance. These giant companies understand that. Progressive had the most customer oriented sales representatives on the other line I’ve ever dealt with. The conversation with Kevin was polite. He cared and listened, and most importantly he resolved my issues without a fucjing headache. You’ll stand out like a beacon in the dark. People will gravitate towards you for being able to communicate well.
A Lesson In Itself
Everyone has a lesson to offer you. Even the people you don't think you’d learn from. Maybe a lesson on what not to do. The right social skills can help you navigate both intimate and professional situations as they build and maintain relationships and the world effectively in team settings. Overall having strong social skills can contribute to your well being and success.
Do you want to be a better conversationalist? Someone that can stand out in a room of 500, with every person you talk to remembering your name forever, Then watch this video.